Dana Loesch Is A Horrible Human Being And The Worst Conservative Commentator On God’s Green Earth

Dana Loesch , NRA shill and loathsome troll. 


In a recent broadcast on Fox News Dana Loesch called Al Franken a horrible human being because of his politics , and one of the worst elected officials on God’s green earth. Of course , it’s an absurd claim to make , and only idiots who take her seriously , would believe this and the tons of other bullshit that pour from her pie hole on a daily basis. 

Anyone who is familiar with Al Franken , knows that he is anything but a horrible person. A groper? Perhaps. One of the worst elected officials? Certainly not. If you take a look at his voting record , you will see that Loesch is full of shit. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. I can think of plenty of other politicians who deserve the title of worst elected official , other than Al Franken , most of them in her very own party , like Roy Moore. But she never will , because she’s a partisan hack. She just doesn’t like Fanken because he’s a liberal. 

On the other hand , if you look into Dana Loesch’s background , you will see that she definitely is a horrible human being. Here are some prime examples of how horrible she is. 

  • She defended Todd Akins’ rape comment. 
  • She excused Gregg Gianforte’s assault on a liberal news reporter , basically saying that maybe the liberal media had it coming. 
  • Claimed on twitter that Philando Castile had weed in his possession when he was shot and killed by a trigger happy law enforcement officer , which was why the NRA was slow to respond.
  • Convinced her fans to start a pity fund for anti-gay bigots at Memories Pizza.
  • Said she would also piss on dead enemy soldiers.
  • She shamelessly promoted the edited videos that smeared ACORN , NPR , Shirley Sherrod , and Planned Parenthood.
  • Has promoted the myth of Muslim no-go zones in Europe and America.
  • Frequently plays the victim. When media watchdogs like Media Matters record every word she says , she accuses them of smearing her , but has no problem smearing others with actual lies. 
  • Along with the rest of right-wing media , she accused Obama and Black Lives Matter of being complicit in the murders of the five Dallas police officers by a black militant during a 2016 BLM protest. 
  • Has constantly attacked the mainstream news media as Obama’s lap dogs , while serving as corporate media’s ( NRA TV , Fox News ) willing lap dog. 
  • Has a history of attacking gun control advocates as extremists out to destroy the second amendment , and subscribed to the conspiracy theory that Obama would confiscate every gun in America.
  • Released a video in December of 2016 calling liberals terrorists. The video was produced by NRA TV,  and released on the very same day that twenty children were blown to pieces with an assault weapon at Sandy Hook elementary school three years previously. The most disturbing thing about the video is not the fact that she cowardly attacked liberals. It was that she used murdered children to attack them. In the video she accused liberals and those who wanted more than thoughts and prayers from our representatives , as being complicit in gun violence. It wasn’t the NRA , or Dana herself , who had blood on their hands because of the fact that they oppose any gun regulations whatsoever , who don’t give a damn that terrorists and mentally ill people can so easily get their hands on assault weapons. No . it was actually liberals and those asking for more than thoughts and prayers , who are really complicit in every mass shooting. 

I could go on for several pages listing all the ways Dana Loesch is a horrible person. But the last example demonstrates just how much of a loathsome human being she really is.  For her to call anyone a horrible human being , she needs to look in the mirror and examine her own hateful politics.




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