Twenty Fives Signs You Might Be An Alt-Right , Triggered , Whiny , Attention-Seeking Crybaby Snowflake Like Tomi Lahren , And Need A Safe Space , Part 1

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Tomi Lahren , Patron Saint and Queen of the alt-right snowflakes.

Since the election of Donald Trump , a new trend has become popular. It’s a term to describe anyone who takes offense easily , or gets triggered by anything they dislike. The term  is snowflake. During Trump’s campaign , his followers used it to insult anyone who disagreed with them , or with Trump himself. Tomi Lahren , the Patron Saint Of Snowflakes used it almost incessantly to insult liberals for everything they said and did , and by doing so , she proved herself to be the biggest snowflake of them all.

Here are the first ten trigger warnings that you might be a whiny , attention-seeking crybaby snowflake like Tomi Lahren , if …

1) You believe Donald Trump is a victim of the liberal news media. Criticism equals victim hood to many Trump supporters. 

2) You believe white people are victims of racism. Seriously , if you do , you’re a special kind of snowflake. 

3) You believe Black Lives Matter is a racist , anti-white hate group. If you  seriously believe this , seek mental therapy.

4) You believe the phrase Happy Holidays is a liberal assault on Christmas. Again , if you honestly  believes this ,  seek psychiatric help.  

5) You believe global warming is a liberal hoax , despite tons of scientific evidence. Read the scientific data.

6) You believe Barack Obama is an anti-white racist for criticizing a white police officer. 

7) You believe Conservatives are noble truth tellers , and liberals just lie all the time.

8) You believe Ted Nugent is a sane , intelligent human being who makes sense.

9) You believe Tomi Lahren tells it like it is.

10) You believe Donald Trump is a victim of liberal bullying.

 If you answered yes to any of these  , you are definitely an alt-right , triggered , whiny , attention-seeking , crybaby snowflake like Tomi Lahren and definitely need a safe space.

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